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 WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT

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5 posters

Male Number of posts : 1388
Age : 39
Lokasi : Cinere - Depok
Points : 202
Registration date : 03.06.08

WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT Empty
PostSubyek: WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT   WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT I_icon_minitime3/8/2008, 21:16

Di cari XPD VR5 H2OUT. Ukuran 42

WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT Boots10

silahkan bagi yang ingin menawarkan..ditunggu penawarannya
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WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT Empty
PostSubyek: Re: WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT   WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT I_icon_minitime3/8/2008, 21:18

si zka ga ada matinye cuy!! blanja terus!!
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Male Number of posts : 1388
Age : 39
Lokasi : Cinere - Depok
Points : 202
Registration date : 03.06.08

WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT Empty
PostSubyek: Re: WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT   WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT I_icon_minitime3/8/2008, 21:19

biasa...persiapan mau ikutan touring ke lampung....(padahal gw paling cuman sampe tanggerang atau merak..hehehehe)
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Male Number of posts : 1388
Age : 39
Lokasi : Cinere - Depok
Points : 202
Registration date : 03.06.08

WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT Empty
PostSubyek: Re: WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT   WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT I_icon_minitime4/8/2008, 21:37

*up* *up*
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Letnan Jendral
Letnan Jendral

Male Number of posts : 1493
Age : 54
Lokasi : Jakarta
Points : -18
Registration date : 30.06.08

WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT Empty
PostSubyek: Re: WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT   WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT I_icon_minitime4/8/2008, 22:12

Zack tanggung, dainese nya Rossi aja yg kuning item 3,5 jt
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Super Moderator
Super Moderator

Number of posts : 610
Lokasi : Depok - Jabar
Points : 1
Registration date : 22.05.08

WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT Empty
PostSubyek: Re: WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT   WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT I_icon_minitime5/8/2008, 15:10

Zak lo beli yang ukuran 44 aja..nanti kalo mo touring ke lampung..di merak...sepatu lo gue pake..he..he..he, karena dari merak kan lo balik lagi ke jkt
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Male Number of posts : 1388
Age : 39
Lokasi : Cinere - Depok
Points : 202
Registration date : 03.06.08

WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT Empty
PostSubyek: Re: WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT   WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT I_icon_minitime5/8/2008, 15:17

Lembut wrote:
Zack tanggung, dainese nya Rossi aja yg kuning item 3,5 jt

ada fotonya ngga pak kalem?

teja wrote:
Zak lo beli yang ukuran 44 aja..nanti kalo mo touring ke lampung..di
merak...sepatu lo gue pake..he..he..he, karena dari merak kan lo balik
lagi ke jkt

ach pak teja....biar cuman sampe merak kan yang pentin ada partisipasinya Smile

Terakhir diubah oleh zka tanggal 5/8/2008, 15:36, total 1 kali diubah
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Super Moderator
Super Moderator

Number of posts : 610
Lokasi : Depok - Jabar
Points : 1
Registration date : 22.05.08

WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT Empty
PostSubyek: Re: WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT   WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT I_icon_minitime5/8/2008, 15:24

yang gue demen dari bro satu ini..kalo dikasih tugas..tanggung jawab banget, contohnya pre-touring kemaren..secara PIC memang bro zaka, cuma pas hari h kudu masuk...tapi dia tetep dateng nganterin yang mau jalan..walaupun cuma sampe depok...salut gue dah...ngomong-ngomong windscreen bubble dah ada kabar belum zak?
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Male Number of posts : 1388
Age : 39
Lokasi : Cinere - Depok
Points : 202
Registration date : 03.06.08

WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT Empty
PostSubyek: Re: WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT   WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT I_icon_minitime5/8/2008, 15:45

heuheuhe jadi ngga enak.

Untuk windscreen yang WRC di motoworld sudah habis dan dalam waktu dekat mereka ngga bakalan masukin barang lagi. Ini saya lagi nyari yang punyanya zero gravity.

ada info lebih lengkap nanti saya kabari.
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Letnan Jendral
Letnan Jendral

Male Number of posts : 953
Age : 42
Lokasi : Jakarta
Points : 60
Registration date : 06.06.08

WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT Empty
PostSubyek: Re: WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT   WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT I_icon_minitime5/8/2008, 16:52

raja shopping nih.. mataf spatuny.. sayang ga pny uang..hikz Sad
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Letnan Jendral
Letnan Jendral

Male Number of posts : 1103
Age : 42
Points : 473
Registration date : 19.08.08

WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT Empty
PostSubyek: Re: WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT   WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT I_icon_minitime1/11/2008, 13:20

gw ada size 42 zak.... cm biasanya boots naek 1 nomor zak...
yah klo lo 43 dah...

mao bos???
Very Happy
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WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT Empty
PostSubyek: Re: WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT   WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT I_icon_minitime

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WTB - XPD Motorcycle Boots - VR5 H2OUT
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